# You want to run your FooServer on port 24600 but when you start it up you get a BindException
# because another process is already listening on that port
# Approach 1: lsof (list open files)
lsof | grep 24600
# result (PID is column 2 = 3527)
java 3527 chrisuser 41u IPv6 5563481 TCP *:24600 (LISTEN)
# Approach 2: netstat (list ports)
# -a = show ports in all states
# -n = don't resolve IPs
# -t = show TCP sockets only
# -p = show process IDs
netstat -antp | grep 24600
# result (PID is in last column = 3527)
tcp6 0 0 :::24600 :::* LISTEN 3527/java
# because another process is already listening on that port
# Approach 1: lsof (list open files)
lsof | grep 24600
# result (PID is column 2 = 3527)
java 3527 chrisuser 41u IPv6 5563481 TCP *:24600 (LISTEN)
# Approach 2: netstat (list ports)
# -a = show ports in all states
# -n = don't resolve IPs
# -t = show TCP sockets only
# -p = show process IDs
netstat -antp | grep 24600
# result (PID is in last column = 3527)
tcp6 0 0 :::24600 :::* LISTEN 3527/java