Raspberry Pi tips and tricks
Raspberry Pi TFT hack and video glasses, wearable Pi project (August 12, 2013)
Hack a 12V TFT to run on 5V...
Hack a 12V TFT to run on 5V...
Updated Tutorial for JDK8 early access on Raspberry Pi (January 29, 2013)
How to install Oracle JDK8 early access on the Pi...
How to install Oracle JDK8 early access on the Pi...
Linux high load when writing to slow block devices (SD cards, USB hard drives) (January 18, 2013)
Explanation for why some SD card writes send the system load soaring...
Explanation for why some SD card writes send the system load soaring...
ncurses type applications in Java on Raspberry Pi (Lanterna Console) (December 12, 2012)
Headless Java console applications using Google Code's Lanterna...
Headless Java console applications using Google Code's Lanterna...
OpenJDK IcedTea plugin java debugging (December 12, 2012)
How to get Java debug output when using OpenJDK IcedTea plugin...
How to get Java debug output when using OpenJDK IcedTea plugin...
Raspberry Pi Wireless config for Edimax EW-7811UN (November 25, 2012)
How to configure the tiny Edimax EW-7811UN wireless adapter...
How to configure the tiny Edimax EW-7811UN wireless adapter...
Wearable Raspberry Pi Project (November 22, 2012)
Building a wearable computer using the Raspberry Pi...
Building a wearable computer using the Raspberry Pi...
Raspberry Pi Java Applets - Iceweasel OpenJDK IcedTea plugin (HardFloat) (November 19, 2012)
How do you get Java applets working on the Raspberry Pi?...
How do you get Java applets working on the Raspberry Pi?...
Linux wipe SD card partition table (September 25, 2012)
[SOLVED] How to fix a corrupted partition table and fdisk is giving the error: You must set cylinders...
[SOLVED] How to fix a corrupted partition table and fdisk is giving the error: You must set cylinders...
[SOLVED] Raspberry Pi PANIC: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(179,2) (September 25, 2012)
Entering kdb (current=0xcb82ac80, pid 1) due to Keyboard Entry...
Entering kdb (current=0xcb82ac80, pid 1) due to Keyboard Entry...
Raspberry Pi mount Raspbian img on loop device (August 6, 2012)
Here is how to mount the Raspbian Wheezy img file on a loop device under Linux...
Here is how to mount the Raspbian Wheezy img file on a loop device under Linux...
[SOLVED] Raspberry Pi won't boot 6 flashes of LED after rpi-update (August 6, 2012)
After running rpi-update on my Raspbian Wheezy my Pi wouldn't boot and gave the 6 flashes error. Here is how to solve it...
After running rpi-update on my Raspbian Wheezy my Pi wouldn't boot and gave the 6 flashes error. Here is how to solve it...
Raspberry Pi github for tracking kernel/firmware issues (June 27, 2012)
Where is the github repo for Raspberry Pi?...
Where is the github repo for Raspberry Pi?...
Raspberry Pi Debian Wheezy beta is now available (2012-06-18) (June 27, 2012)
How do you test Debian Wheezy on the Pi?...
How do you test Debian Wheezy on the Pi?...
Raspberry Pi heatsink mod (June 26, 2012)
How to fit heatsinks to the SoC and USB chips on your Raspberry Pi...
How to fit heatsinks to the SoC and USB chips on your Raspberry Pi...
Raspberry Pi eth0: kevent 4 may have been dropped (June 26, 2012)
A log file full of kevent 4 may have been dropped messages could indicate a power problem with your Pi...
A log file full of kevent 4 may have been dropped messages could indicate a power problem with your Pi...
Raspberry Pi update firmware using Hexxeh's rpi-update script (June 21, 2012)
How to update the firmware on a Raspberry Pi...
How to update the firmware on a Raspberry Pi...
Resize Raspberry Pi SD card partition to fill 32GB card from a running Raspberry Pi (June 18, 2012)
How do you dynamically resize the Raspberry Pi Debian 2GB image partition to make full use of a 32GB SD card?...
How do you dynamically resize the Raspberry Pi Debian 2GB image partition to make full use of a 32GB SD card?...
[SOLVED] No sound in Raspberry Pi after startx X windows (June 16, 2012)
Sound not working on your Raspberry Pi after entering X windows (startx) here is how to fix it...
Sound not working on your Raspberry Pi after entering X windows (startx) here is how to fix it...
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi (June 10, 2012)
How to get started with your Raspberry Pi, log in, update packages, inspect the system...
How to get started with your Raspberry Pi, log in, update packages, inspect the system...
Install Java on the Raspberry Pi (June 10, 2012)
How to install the OpenJDK version of Java on your Raspberry Pi...
How to install the OpenJDK version of Java on your Raspberry Pi...
Getting started with Java on Raspberry Pi (June 10, 2012)
Quick HelloWorld compile and run example...
Quick HelloWorld compile and run example...
Debian Linux netbook / laptop / Raspberry Pi power saving with acpitool (June 6, 2012)
Find out the discharge rate of your battery in Debian using acpitool...
Find out the discharge rate of your battery in Debian using acpitool...
[SOLVED] Raspberry Pi won't boot, red power LED on (May 28, 2012)
If your Raspberry Pi won't boot then try these troubleshooting steps...
If your Raspberry Pi won't boot then try these troubleshooting steps...
Raspberry Pi install Debian image to SD card (May 27, 2012)
Here is how to install the Debian operating system image to an SD card using dd...
Here is how to install the Debian operating system image to an SD card using dd...
Raspberry Pi battery power calculations (May 22, 2012)
Experiments on powering a Raspberry Pi using batteries and a switching regulator...
Experiments on powering a Raspberry Pi using batteries and a switching regulator...
Raspberry Pi Vuzix transparent LCD Heads-Up Display (HUD) Experiment (May 21, 2012)
Experiments on building a Heads-Up Display (HUD) for the Raspberry Pi...
Experiments on building a Heads-Up Display (HUD) for the Raspberry Pi...
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