hsdis tips and tricks
Updated instructions for building hsdis on OSX (February 3, 2018)
Build hsdis-amd64.dylib for your JRE using OpenJDK and binutils...
Build hsdis-amd64.dylib for your JRE using OpenJDK and binutils...
JITWatch on ARM (Raspberry Pi) (March 5, 2017)
Use JITWatch to optimise your Java code on ARM CPUs. Instructions for adding windowed JavaFX and hsdis support to the Oracle ARM JDK...
Use JITWatch to optimise your Java code on ARM CPUs. Instructions for adding windowed JavaFX and hsdis support to the Oracle ARM JDK...
Building hsdis-amd64.dylib on Mac OSX (May 12, 2014)
How to build the hotspot disassembler binary on Mac OS OSX amd64...
How to build the hotspot disassembler binary on Mac OS OSX amd64...
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