Microsoft tips and tricks
STOP: 0xC0000221 Unknown Hard Error SystemRoot System32 ntdll.dll (February 16, 2012)
How to solve Unknown Hard Error when installing Windows XP...
How to solve Unknown Hard Error when installing Windows XP...
Microsoft Excel Yes/No drop box (February 1, 2012)
How do you make a Yes/No drop box in an Excel column?...
How do you make a Yes/No drop box in an Excel column?...
Microsoft Word cross reference clauses and update them in a contract (January 20, 2012)
How do you cross reference a paragraph in Word so that it auto-updates?...
How do you cross reference a paragraph in Word so that it auto-updates?...
Convert milliseconds timestamp into Excel date and time (August 3, 2011)
If you have a CSV file containing timestamps as milliseconds then this formula will convert into Excel date time...
If you have a CSV file containing timestamps as milliseconds then this formula will convert into Excel date time...
[SOLVED] Excel 2010 very slow to open files (April 19, 2011)
Got a whizzy new PC with Office 2010 and sometimes Excel documents are taking ages (minutes) to open? This fix worked for me and now the documents open instantly....
Got a whizzy new PC with Office 2010 and sometimes Excel documents are taking ages (minutes) to open? This fix worked for me and now the documents open instantly....
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