PHP tips and tricks
Reference manual index, Java, PHP, JavaScript (June 18, 2013)
URLs for programming language reference documents...
URLs for programming language reference documents...
Using PHP + MySQL with UTF-8 support for correct encoding (November 13, 2012)
If you are having problems with non-ASCII encodings such as the British pound sign then you are probably not using UTF-8 all the way through your HTML, PHP, and database....
If you are having problems with non-ASCII encodings such as the British pound sign then you are probably not using UTF-8 all the way through your HTML, PHP, and database....
[SOLVED] PHP unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM (November 9, 2012)
What does unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM mean and how do you solve it?...
What does unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM mean and how do you solve it?...
PHP strip pound signs from form input (July 31, 2012)
How do you strip a pound sign from a monetary value in a PHP $_POST field...
How do you strip a pound sign from a monetary value in a PHP $_POST field...
[SOLVED] Eclipse DLTK indexing very slow (PHP Development Tools) (July 9, 2012)
If you are using the PDT (PHP Development Tools) feature and Eclipse is hogging up your system doing DLTK indexing then this might help...
If you are using the PDT (PHP Development Tools) feature and Eclipse is hogging up your system doing DLTK indexing then this might help...
Debian / Ubuntu php-gd function imageantialias() not implemented (April 12, 2012)
Trying to use the PHP function imageantialias from GD under PHP on Debian or Ubuntu? Here is why it doesn't work and what you can do about it...
Trying to use the PHP function imageantialias from GD under PHP on Debian or Ubuntu? Here is why it doesn't work and what you can do about it...
Neat PHP oneliner to calculate days in a given month (February 24, 2012)
A neat little one line solution for calculating the days in a month given the month and year that relies on PHP's intepretation of 0 (false) or non-0 (true)...
A neat little one line solution for calculating the days in a month given the month and year that relies on PHP's intepretation of 0 (false) or non-0 (true)...
ChrisWhoCodes AdSense Protection Script (November 9, 2011)
This PHP script can help you to avoid an AdSense ban by filtering adverts by IP address, HTTP referrer, and page URL...
This PHP script can help you to avoid an AdSense ban by filtering adverts by IP address, HTTP referrer, and page URL...
[SOLVED] CSS border-collapse render bug on iPad (October 30, 2011)
If you are using CSS background-image in a table with border-collapse and your images get squashed when viewing on an iPad, iPhone, or iPod then this PHP code snippet will detect and fix the rendering...
If you are using CSS background-image in a table with border-collapse and your images get squashed when viewing on an iPad, iPhone, or iPod then this PHP code snippet will detect and fix the rendering...
Log to syslog with PHP 5 and syslog-ng (August 18, 2011)
How to get logging to syslog working correctly with PHP and syslog-ng...
How to get logging to syslog working correctly with PHP and syslog-ng...
[SOLVED] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR (July 27, 2011)
Got an unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR syntax error in your PHP? Here is the cause...
Got an unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR syntax error in your PHP? Here is the cause...
$_FILES array empty on PHP file upload (August 13, 2010)
Trying to upload a file from an HTML form and the PHP superglobal array $_FILES is empty. Here is my solution....
Trying to upload a file from an HTML form and the PHP superglobal array $_FILES is empty. Here is my solution....
PHP Validate currency with preg_match (August 5, 2010)
In PHP 6 the ereg() functions for POSIX regular expressions will be removed and you will need to use the PERL preg_match() regex functions which are harder to use in my opinion. Here is a regular expr...
In PHP 6 the ereg() functions for POSIX regular expressions will be removed and you will need to use the PERL preg_match() regex functions which are harder to use in my opinion. Here is a regular expr...
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