vi tips and tricks
[SOLVED] VirtualBox causes Xorg server segfault on startup of XP guest VM (April 19, 2013)
Xorg update on 20130417 causing segfault and X restart when VirtualBox VM starts...
Xorg update on 20130417 causing segfault and X restart when VirtualBox VM starts...
Virtualbox tips for Mac OS X (October 11, 2012)
How to connect to a remote Virtualbox guest from your Mac...
How to connect to a remote Virtualbox guest from your Mac...
[SOLVED] VirtualBox headless VRDE server failed to start (October 11, 2012)
VRDE server is inactive. If you get this error make sure that the VM config does not contain any VRDE parameters that are no longer valid!...
VRDE server is inactive. If you get this error make sure that the VM config does not contain any VRDE parameters that are no longer valid!...
Debian Linux netbook / laptop / Raspberry Pi power saving with acpitool (June 6, 2012)
Find out the discharge rate of your battery in Debian using acpitool...
Find out the discharge rate of your battery in Debian using acpitool...
Debian add user to existing group (May 29, 2012)
How do you add an additional group to a users set of groups?...
How do you add an additional group to a users set of groups?...
Using Linux tmpfs to reduce disk writes for power saving and longer CF lifespan (February 3, 2012)
How to reduce disk writes for power saving or increasing compact flash lifetime using tmpfs...
How to reduce disk writes for power saving or increasing compact flash lifetime using tmpfs...
VirtualBox Linux host add user to vboxusers group to access USB devices. (January 3, 2012)
How do you add the virtualbox user to the vboxusers group so that they can access USB devices?...
How do you add the virtualbox user to the vboxusers group so that they can access USB devices?...
virtualbox-4.1 conflicts with virtualbox (October 12, 2011)
How to upgrade VirtualBox 4.0 to 4.1 on Ubuntu Linux...
How to upgrade VirtualBox 4.0 to 4.1 on Ubuntu Linux...
[SOLVED] Invalid machine name or UUID! VirtualBox (September 22, 2011)
Trying to start a VM from the command line (headless) and get this error?...
Trying to start a VM from the command line (headless) and get this error?...
Debian N220 netbook power saving script (August 31, 2011)
Power saving script for Samsung N220 netbook on Debian squeeze...
Power saving script for Samsung N220 netbook on Debian squeeze...
VirtualBox Windows guest stuck in shutting down state (July 14, 2011)
If your Windows guest VM gets stuck in a state when you can no longer enter commands (such as a bluescreen of death, or the shutting down process) then you can perform the equivalent of pulling the po...
If your Windows guest VM gets stuck in a state when you can no longer enter commands (such as a bluescreen of death, or the shutting down process) then you can perform the equivalent of pulling the po...
Virtualbox install extension pack on headless server (June 30, 2011)
If you get the error VRDE: VirtualBox Remote Desktop Extension is not available when trying to start a headless VM on VirtualBox 4 or greater then it is because you have not installed the extension pa...
If you get the error VRDE: VirtualBox Remote Desktop Extension is not available when trying to start a headless VM on VirtualBox 4 or greater then it is because you have not installed the extension pa...
Fix VirtualBox clock drift (April 13, 2011)
I've noticed the system clock in my VirtualBox XP guest is drifting so that after a few hours is can be 30 seconds behind the host OS clock. This VBoxManage command will fix that....
I've noticed the system clock in my VirtualBox XP guest is drifting so that after a few hours is can be 30 seconds behind the host OS clock. This VBoxManage command will fix that....
Mapping a drive in Virtualbox Windows guest with net use (March 31, 2011)
Here is how to map a Windows network drive to a Virtualbox shared folder (set up the share in the Virtualbox VM settings before you start the guest VM)....
Here is how to map a Windows network drive to a Virtualbox shared folder (set up the share in the Virtualbox VM settings before you start the guest VM)....
Virtualbox NSIS can't write bytes to output (March 21, 2011)
Something has broken in Virtualbox 3.2.12 (Linux 64 bit host, XP 32 bit guest) and it's no longer possible to run a NSIS installer script on a Virtualbox shared folder: Error: can't write 19678836 by...
Something has broken in Virtualbox 3.2.12 (Linux 64 bit host, XP 32 bit guest) and it's no longer possible to run a NSIS installer script on a Virtualbox shared folder: Error: can't write 19678836 by...
VirtualBox installation on headless server (December 8, 2010)
Instructions for installing Sun/Oracle VirtualBox on a headless Debian server. In this example you can learn how to install a Windows XP guest on a headless Debian server using just the command line....
Instructions for installing Sun/Oracle VirtualBox on a headless Debian server. In this example you can learn how to install a Windows XP guest on a headless Debian server using just the command line....
Headless start and stop multiple VirtualBox guests using VBoxHeadless and VBoxManage (October 12, 2010)
How to start and stop your VirtualBox guests from the host's command line using VBoxHeadless and VBoxManage....
How to start and stop your VirtualBox guests from the host's command line using VBoxHeadless and VBoxManage....
Headless VirtualBox multiple guests with bridged networking (October 11, 2010)
Want to have multiple guests inside a single host that can communicate with each other, with the host, and with the internet? Here is how to configure configure a headless host using VBoxManage....
Want to have multiple guests inside a single host that can communicate with each other, with the host, and with the internet? Here is how to configure configure a headless host using VBoxManage....
Fixing VirtualBox fullscreen on wrong monitor (July 9, 2010)
Since upgrading to VirtualBox 3.2.x (Ubuntu host, XP guest) my guest OS always goes to the primary monitor even when I hit ctrl-F when the windowed guest is on the secondary screen....
Since upgrading to VirtualBox 3.2.x (Ubuntu host, XP guest) my guest OS always goes to the primary monitor even when I hit ctrl-F when the windowed guest is on the secondary screen....
Updating virtualbox public key in apt from Sun to Oracle (June 21, 2010)
Oracle has taken over Sun so if you are managing your Virtualbox installation in Debian using the apt package manager you will need to update your public key to avoid public key errors with apt-get up...
Oracle has taken over Sun so if you are managing your Virtualbox installation in Debian using the apt package manager you will need to update your public key to avoid public key errors with apt-get up...
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