Debian tips and tricks
Tripwire on Debian Jessie (December 1, 2015)
How to set up Tripwire intrusion detection system on Debian Jessie...
How to set up Tripwire intrusion detection system on Debian Jessie...
Copy Debian installed packages (May 28, 2015)
How to install the same software on a second Debian server...
How to install the same software on a second Debian server...
SOLVED: icedove hangs with 100% CPU on Debian (April 8, 2015)
How I tracked down the cause of icedove hanging with 100% CPU...
How I tracked down the cause of icedove hanging with 100% CPU...
Debian - make icedove open links using iceweasel and not Konqueror (August 30, 2013)
Waited way too long to scratch this itch. Konqueror is a poor browser....
Waited way too long to scratch this itch. Konqueror is a poor browser....
[SOLVED] VirtualBox causes Xorg server segfault on startup of XP guest VM (April 19, 2013)
Xorg update on 20130417 causing segfault and X restart when VirtualBox VM starts...
Xorg update on 20130417 causing segfault and X restart when VirtualBox VM starts...
Debian perl Can't locate Date/ in @INC (March 11, 2013)
[SOLVED] Date/ error in Debian perl can be resolved by installing this package...
[SOLVED] Date/ error in Debian perl can be resolved by installing this package...
Debian squeeze scponly for secure remote backups (March 6, 2013)
How to set up scponly for securely copying backups to a remote server...
How to set up scponly for securely copying backups to a remote server...
Debian NFS Server (January 2, 2013)
How to set up an NFS server to share files with other Linux clients...
How to set up an NFS server to share files with other Linux clients...
Debian batch process (resize) JPEG files using ImageMagick into output folder (December 26, 2012)
How do you batch process images in Debian and output into a new folder?...
How do you batch process images in Debian and output into a new folder?...
Debian iceweasel KEYEXPIRED 1352888501 (December 5, 2012)
How to install updated keys for Debian Mozilla packages...
How to install updated keys for Debian Mozilla packages...
[SOLVED] Debian ./java: No such file or directory (November 13, 2012)
Can't get java to run on Debian even though permissions look correct?...
Can't get java to run on Debian even though permissions look correct?...
Which Debian package contains the svc command? (August 24, 2012)
While installing qmail I found that the svc program was not installed. Here is how to install svc in Debian...
While installing qmail I found that the svc program was not installed. Here is how to install svc in Debian...
Debian find which package contains command (August 24, 2012)
Use apt-file on Debian to discover which package you need to install to provide a command...
Use apt-file on Debian to discover which package you need to install to provide a command...
Debian squeeze nvidia packages (July 23, 2012)
Which packages do I need to run multi-monitor setup with nvidia graphics on Debian?...
Which packages do I need to run multi-monitor setup with nvidia graphics on Debian?...
Debian Squeeze install Microsoft TTF TrueType fonts (July 10, 2012)
How do you install Microsoft TrueType (TTF) fonts in Debian Squeeze...
How do you install Microsoft TrueType (TTF) fonts in Debian Squeeze...
[SOLVED] Debian killall command not found (July 4, 2012)
Some of my Debian servers seem to be missing the killall command. Here is how to fix that....
Some of my Debian servers seem to be missing the killall command. Here is how to fix that....
[SOLVED] fuse: failed to open /dev/fuse: Permission denied (sshfs) (June 8, 2012)
Installed sshfs and get this /dev/fuse permission error? Here is the solution...
Installed sshfs and get this /dev/fuse permission error? Here is the solution...
Debian Linux netbook / laptop / Raspberry Pi power saving with acpitool (June 6, 2012)
Find out the discharge rate of your battery in Debian using acpitool...
Find out the discharge rate of your battery in Debian using acpitool...
Set up git repository on Debian and push changes from local repository (May 31, 2012)
How to set up a remote git repository and populate it from a local repository on Debian...
How to set up a remote git repository and populate it from a local repository on Debian...
Apache MySQL PHP quick build (May 31, 2012)
Need to quickly get an Apache2 + MySQL + PHP5 server built?...
Need to quickly get an Apache2 + MySQL + PHP5 server built?...
Debian add user to existing group (May 29, 2012)
How do you add an additional group to a users set of groups?...
How do you add an additional group to a users set of groups?...
Create Ubuntu 12.04 USB installer from Debian (May 28, 2012)
Here is how to write the Ubuntu ISO image to a USB stick from a Debian PC...
Here is how to write the Ubuntu ISO image to a USB stick from a Debian PC...
Raspberry Pi install Debian image to SD card (May 27, 2012)
Here is how to install the Debian operating system image to an SD card using dd...
Here is how to install the Debian operating system image to an SD card using dd...
Debian squeeze syslog-ng 3 upgrade config files (May 18, 2012)
There has been a change in the syslog-ng.conf format between v2.x and v3.x so any pre-squeeze config files will need to be updated...
There has been a change in the syslog-ng.conf format between v2.x and v3.x so any pre-squeeze config files will need to be updated...
Easy way to send apache2 logs to syslog-ng (May 18, 2012)
Very easy way to send both Apache2 access and error logs via syslog-ng with no changes to Apache config...
Very easy way to send both Apache2 access and error logs via syslog-ng with no changes to Apache config...
Debian add multimedia codecs (May 12, 2012)
How do I add more codecs to Debian stable from the main repository?...
How do I add more codecs to Debian stable from the main repository?...
Debian / Ubuntu php-gd function imageantialias() not implemented (April 12, 2012)
Trying to use the PHP function imageantialias from GD under PHP on Debian or Ubuntu? Here is why it doesn't work and what you can do about it...
Trying to use the PHP function imageantialias from GD under PHP on Debian or Ubuntu? Here is why it doesn't work and what you can do about it...
init.d script to create essential dirs (apache, postgresql, debconf) when mounting /var on tmpfs (February 22, 2012)
If you are mounting log, cache, and tmp directories on a tmpfs filesystem then you may encounter problems with programs failing to start or work correctly due to missing folders. By using a simple ini...
If you are mounting log, cache, and tmp directories on a tmpfs filesystem then you may encounter problems with programs failing to start or work correctly due to missing folders. By using a simple ini...
Debian dist-upgrade lenny to squeeze (February 9, 2012)
How to update Debian from lenny (5.0) to squeeze (6.0)...
How to update Debian from lenny (5.0) to squeeze (6.0)...
Poweredge 1750 Debian Squeeze tigon3 firmware (February 9, 2012)
The tigon3 gigabit network driver is now available in the apt repository. Here is how to install it....
The tigon3 gigabit network driver is now available in the apt repository. Here is how to install it....
Debian add new Samba user for Windows fileshare access (December 20, 2011)
How do I add a new Samba user in Debian...
How do I add a new Samba user in Debian...
Install latest iceweasel (firefox) on Debian (December 13, 2011)
How to install latest iceweasel on Debian Squeeze...
How to install latest iceweasel on Debian Squeeze...
MySQL fails to start after package update: unknown variable lc-messages-dir (November 8, 2011)
After a package update on Debian my MySQL refused to start and syslog contained the following message [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: unknown variable 'lc-messages-dir=/usr/share/mysql'...
After a package update on Debian my MySQL refused to start and syslog contained the following message [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: unknown variable 'lc-messages-dir=/usr/share/mysql'...
Debian bash can auto-complete program switches (November 2, 2011)
Today I discovered by accident that bash can auto-complete command line switches to certain programs...
Today I discovered by accident that bash can auto-complete command line switches to certain programs...
svnserve start on boot using update-rc.d on Debian Squeeze (October 24, 2011)
How can you get svnserve to start on boot by creating an init.d script and linking using update-rc.d...
How can you get svnserve to start on boot by creating an init.d script and linking using update-rc.d...
Debian Linux 2-NIC router (September 1, 2011)
How to make a router from a Debian Linux PC with 2 network cards...
How to make a router from a Debian Linux PC with 2 network cards...
Debian N220 netbook power saving script (August 31, 2011)
Power saving script for Samsung N220 netbook on Debian squeeze...
Power saving script for Samsung N220 netbook on Debian squeeze...
Sort files by size in Debian (July 22, 2011)
Trying to find the big files clogging up your filesystem?...
Trying to find the big files clogging up your filesystem?...
/etc/apt/sources.list for dist-upgrade lenny to squeeze (July 4, 2011)
Volatile no longer exists starting with Debian Squeeze so here are the apt sources.list lines you need to dist-upgrade from Lenny....
Volatile no longer exists starting with Debian Squeeze so here are the apt sources.list lines you need to dist-upgrade from Lenny....
Samsung SyncMaster 913N 1280x1024 resolution in Debian and Ubuntu (July 1, 2011)
My Samsung SyncMaster 913N only detects modes up to 1024x768 in Debian and Ubuntu, here is how to add the 1280x1024 native resolution using xrandr....
My Samsung SyncMaster 913N only detects modes up to 1024x768 in Debian and Ubuntu, here is how to add the 1280x1024 native resolution using xrandr....
Disable exim4 MTA startup on Debian squeeze (May 26, 2011)
Don't need an MTA running on port 25?Disable exim4 like this....
Don't need an MTA running on port 25?Disable exim4 like this....
Debian software RAID 1 on non boot disk (October 12, 2010)
How to create a software RAID1 array on your non-boot drive using fdisk and mdadm...
How to create a software RAID1 array on your non-boot drive using fdisk and mdadm...
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