Include this PHP file on any pages where you need to check if it is safe to serve an advert.
* googlesafe.php by Chris Newland @chriswhocodes
* Functions to help integrate Google AdSense into your website
* and remove the risk of your account being disabled due to
* violation of the AdSense terms and conditions.
* Free to copy and modify
global $bannedIPs;
global $bannedReferrerDomains;
global $bannedURIs;
// Change these values to suit your needs
$bannedIPs = array('', '80.70.60.', '', '');
$bannedReferrerDomains = array('', '');
$bannedURIs = array('login', 'logout', 'unknown', 'thankyou');
* Determines whether it is safe to show an advert based on
* 1) The IP address of the client (is it your work or home IP etc)
* 2) The referrer domain (did the client arrive from a facebook link etc)
* 3) If the page URI is on a list where adverts should not be shown (login, logout, unknown, etc)
* 4) If you are in "administrator mode" (if your website has one)
* Returns true if it is safe to show an advert, false otherwise.
function canShowAd($pageURI)
global $bannedIPs;
global $bannedReferrerDomains;
global $bannedURIs;
$clientIP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
// Check if client IP address is in array of
// IPs that should not be shown adverts.
$ipAllowed = true;
foreach($bannedIPs as $ip)
if (startsWith($clientIP, $ip))
$ipAllowed = false;
// Check if the domain the client has arrived from
// (referrer domain) is in array of referrer
// domains that should not be shown adverts.
$referrerAllowed = true;
$referrerDomain = getDomainFromReferrer($referrer);
if (in_array($referrerDomain, $bannedReferrerDomains))
$referrerAllowed = false;
// Check if the URI of the current page is allowed
// to show adverts. Ads should be disabled on pages
// without content such as login, logout, and admin
// pages.
$pageAllowed = true;
if (in_array($pageURI, $bannedURIs))
$pageAllowed = false;
$canShow = !isAdmin() && $ipAllowed && $referrerAllowed && $pageAllowed;
return $canShow;
* Returns true if you this is an admin page, false otherwise
* Add your own implementation according to how your website detects admin mode.
function isAdmin()
return false;
* Gets the domain from a URI
* e.g. =>
* =>
function getDomainFromReferrer($ref)
// strip off http / https protocol part
if (substr($ref, 0, 7) == 'http://')
$ref = substr($ref, 7);
else if (substr($ref, 0, 8) == 'https://')
$ref = substr($ref, 8);
// count the dots to strip off any subdomains
$dots = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ref); $i++)
$c = $ref[$i];
if ($c == '.')
if ($dots > 1)
$seenDots = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ref); $i++)
$c = $ref[$i];
if ($c == '.')
if ($seenDots == $dots - 1)
// seen all dots except the one before the TLD
// so take the substring to get the domain
$ref = substr($ref, $i+1);
// if there is a trailing slash the remove it
$trailingSlashPos = strpos($ref, '/');
if ($trailingSlashPos !== false)
$ref = substr($ref, 0, $trailingSlashPos);
return $ref;
* Returns true the string $haystack begins with the string $needle
function startsWith($haystack, $needle)
$length = strlen($needle);
return (substr($haystack, 0, $length) === $needle);
* googlesafe.php by Chris Newland @chriswhocodes
* Functions to help integrate Google AdSense into your website
* and remove the risk of your account being disabled due to
* violation of the AdSense terms and conditions.
* Free to copy and modify
global $bannedIPs;
global $bannedReferrerDomains;
global $bannedURIs;
// Change these values to suit your needs
$bannedIPs = array('', '80.70.60.', '', '');
$bannedReferrerDomains = array('', '');
$bannedURIs = array('login', 'logout', 'unknown', 'thankyou');
* Determines whether it is safe to show an advert based on
* 1) The IP address of the client (is it your work or home IP etc)
* 2) The referrer domain (did the client arrive from a facebook link etc)
* 3) If the page URI is on a list where adverts should not be shown (login, logout, unknown, etc)
* 4) If you are in "administrator mode" (if your website has one)
* Returns true if it is safe to show an advert, false otherwise.
function canShowAd($pageURI)
global $bannedIPs;
global $bannedReferrerDomains;
global $bannedURIs;
$clientIP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
// Check if client IP address is in array of
// IPs that should not be shown adverts.
$ipAllowed = true;
foreach($bannedIPs as $ip)
if (startsWith($clientIP, $ip))
$ipAllowed = false;
// Check if the domain the client has arrived from
// (referrer domain) is in array of referrer
// domains that should not be shown adverts.
$referrerAllowed = true;
$referrerDomain = getDomainFromReferrer($referrer);
if (in_array($referrerDomain, $bannedReferrerDomains))
$referrerAllowed = false;
// Check if the URI of the current page is allowed
// to show adverts. Ads should be disabled on pages
// without content such as login, logout, and admin
// pages.
$pageAllowed = true;
if (in_array($pageURI, $bannedURIs))
$pageAllowed = false;
$canShow = !isAdmin() && $ipAllowed && $referrerAllowed && $pageAllowed;
return $canShow;
* Returns true if you this is an admin page, false otherwise
* Add your own implementation according to how your website detects admin mode.
function isAdmin()
return false;
* Gets the domain from a URI
* e.g. =>
* =>
function getDomainFromReferrer($ref)
// strip off http / https protocol part
if (substr($ref, 0, 7) == 'http://')
$ref = substr($ref, 7);
else if (substr($ref, 0, 8) == 'https://')
$ref = substr($ref, 8);
// count the dots to strip off any subdomains
$dots = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ref); $i++)
$c = $ref[$i];
if ($c == '.')
if ($dots > 1)
$seenDots = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ref); $i++)
$c = $ref[$i];
if ($c == '.')
if ($seenDots == $dots - 1)
// seen all dots except the one before the TLD
// so take the substring to get the domain
$ref = substr($ref, $i+1);
// if there is a trailing slash the remove it
$trailingSlashPos = strpos($ref, '/');
if ($trailingSlashPos !== false)
$ref = substr($ref, 0, $trailingSlashPos);
return $ref;
* Returns true the string $haystack begins with the string $needle
function startsWith($haystack, $needle)
$length = strlen($needle);
return (substr($haystack, 0, $length) === $needle);