SWT on OSX (Cocoa) must be run with the main SWT UI thread on the main Java Thread.
Here is a code idiom that starts the UI dispatch loop on the main thread and allows you to pass in your application as a Runnable.
On OSX you must start the JVM using the VM argument
Here is the code for the dispatch loop:
package com.chrisnewland.swt.launcher;

import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener;

public class SWTApplicationLauncher
   private static Display display = new Display();

   public static void launchApplication(Runnable app)
       Thread appThread = new Thread(app);


       // =======================================
       // =======================================
       while (!display.isDisposed())
               if (!display.readAndDispatch())
           catch (Exception e)
               // log errors
    * provide access to the Display object for scheduling UI updates via Display.asyncExec() or Display.syncExec()

   public static Display getDisplay()
       return display;
And example usage:
package com.chrisnewland.swt.launcher;

public class TestSWTLauncher implements Runnable
   public void run()
       // main application        

   public static void main(String[] args)
       SWTApplicationLauncher.launchApplication(new TestSWTLauncher());
Launch using:
java -XstartOnFirstThread com.chrisnewland.swt.launcher.TestSWTLauncher