- Java Champion
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- Tinkerer of JVMs
- Occasional conference speaker ( JavaOne, JavaZone, JCrete )
- Author ( Java Magazine, Optimizing Java: Practical techniques for improving JVM application performance )
Some posts on Java, HotSpot, JIT compilation, Performance, FIX, Linux, PostgreSQL, Raspberry Pi, Wearables, JavaFX, Virtualisation, Networks, Security and more.
Latest Articles
Cascading OpenJDK builds (June 20, 2019)
Build OpenJDK 8 to 14 using the previous build as the boot JDK...
Build OpenJDK 8 to 14 using the previous build as the boot JDK...
Linux disk space usage 1-liner (January 9, 2019)
Get the size of the files and folders in the current directory including their children...
Get the size of the files and folders in the current directory including their children...
Conditionally sum up response sizes in Apache logs (January 3, 2019)
Linux command line for summing response sizes...
Linux command line for summing response sizes...
Backup lvs snapshots and scp to remote server (January 2, 2019)
Create backups of your xen guest VM lvs volumes to a remote server over ssh...
Create backups of your xen guest VM lvs volumes to a remote server over ssh...
Identify the Java Thread taking the most CPU (December 20, 2018)
Linux command line for finding which Java Thread is using the most CPU...
Linux command line for finding which Java Thread is using the most CPU...
Quickly find worst GC pauses in G1 and Parallel GC logs (December 20, 2018)
Linux command line for finding worst GC pauses in garbage collector logs (using JDK8)...
Linux command line for finding worst GC pauses in garbage collector logs (using JDK8)...
Git check incoming changes (April 27, 2018)
How to view incoming changes in git before you merge them...
How to view incoming changes in git before you merge them...
Updated instructions for building hsdis on OSX (February 3, 2018)
Build hsdis-amd64.dylib for your JRE using OpenJDK and binutils...
Build hsdis-amd64.dylib for your JRE using OpenJDK and binutils...
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